1:1 Online Nutrition Consultations

As a practitioner I pride myself in empowering and equipping you with everything you need to take charge of your health. That is why I put such a strong emphasis on the initial consultation’s follow-up material.

I want to see your health recover miraculously. Of course everyone is at a different starting point. While some may already be well into their health journey and only need to see me once or twice, others may like to take a more gradual pace so they can cement long-standing changes. Whatever your needs may be, I am here for you.

Consultation Recommendations

I suggest people starting the GAPS diet have at least 1 consultation with a practitioner. I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with who have been frustrated after months of attempting the GAPS diet on their own and not seeing much success.

As a nutritionist and GAPS practitioner I am trained to recognise underlying conditions like parasites, yeast overgrowth, food intolerances, and dental issues that could be hindering your progress. Often a few tweaks in the diet, an addition of a high quality supplement or supporting your body’s detoxification is all you need to start seeing the results you are hoping for.

The initial consultation comes with thorough follow up recommendations and resources so that you know exactly what you are doing. After the initial consultation I recommend doing a follow up 30 or 60 minute consultation within the next month to ensure optimal results.

It is taught in many nutrition business schools to set clients up on a plan. We are taught to encourage weekly appointments and only give 1-2 recommendations per consult to create a profitable business. This is NOT my approach. I want maximum results for my clients, so that usually looks like a 90 minute initial consult and follow up appointments as needed.

I am not interested in making people dependant on me for their health. I am however passionate about encouraging you and supporting you on your journey which is why I have a variety of free resources including my YouTube channel, instagram and book posts.

Initial GAPS diet consultation (90 min) 

  • 90 minute consultation includes full healthy history, individualised suggestions for diet, supplements and detoxification.

    While professional help is not essential for success on the GAPS diet, I highly recommend doing at least one initial consultation. Knowing exactly where to start on the diet, what foods to introduce with caution, and what supplements you need will ensure you avoid some of the very common rookie mistakes!

  • A detailed 2-3 page follow-up outlining and explaining your specific nutrition, detoxification and supplementation protocol (e-mailed within a week)

    Applicable recipes and handouts

    Recommendations for further reading, podcasts etc.

  • $180 usd

60 minute
Nutrition Consult

  • 60 minute introduction consultation

    For those who aren’t planning on doing the GAPS protocol but need nutritional guidance. I will get a complete health history and ask many questions to get to the root of your health issues. Often simple amino acid therapy, supplements or a dietary tweak is enough to make a big impact.

  • Includes 1-2 page written follow up so you can remember everything we discussed.

    I include specific supplements, detoxification protocols and books, articles and podcasts that may be helpful for you.

  • $150 usd

Follow-up (30 minute)

  • 30 minute follow up consultation

    As your body goes through new layers of healing & detoxification you will find your needs change. Sometimes there are stubborn issues that you just can seem to resolve. A follow up consultation will help you to adjust your current protocol for quicker results. Often that means a few new supplements to add in or a probiotic food to emphasise.

  • Includes a short 1 page written report, so you know exactly how to modify your diet and what other protocols may be helpful for you at the time.

  • $100

What People Are Saying

“Since working with Heather and implementing the GAPS protocol, my autistic son started sleeping through the night (which never happened before) and even napping. His OCD & ADHD like behaviours have significantly decreased and he has gone from non-verbal to speaking new words every day! This is all within 2 weeks!”

— Marissa

Heather changed our lives. Before working with her  I had multiple miscarriages and struggled with infertility for years.  The insight she gave was so helpful and easy to understand. Soon after following Heathers recommendations I fell pregnant and 9 months later welcomed a healthy beautiful boy into the world!

— Elle May

Before working with Heather I had such severe gut issues that I could only eat 3 foods without reacting. After following her advice and starting the GAPS intro diet my stomach issues have gone away and I am introducing new foods every week without any problems! I have more energy and it’s only a matter of time that I’m back to normal

Michelle M