Don't waste your money on superfoods
Superfoods are getting a lot of attention these days, claiming to be the answer to all your health problems. I used to work at a health food store in Virginia, and without watching the program, I knew exactly which superfood Dr. Oz (American TV show host) had mentioned the day before. On Monday we would be completely sold out of yacon syrup by 11 am, but come Tuesday everyone was sending in special orders for matcha tea.It's true that superfoods are typically high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. I try to incorporate them into my diet when I can afford it, but it's important to recognize that they are not a magic pill. Although goji berries are extremely high in Vitamin C, they are not going to fix your health problems, especially if they are the only part of your diet that you change. Superfoods should be boosters that you incorporate after cleaning up the base of your diet. I would highly encourage spending money on making sure all of your food is organic and unprocessed before buying a months supply of yacun syrup (which by the way, is a sweetener that costs about $45 for an 8oz small bottle).Something to be aware of when dealing with superfoods is the marketing. For a while everyone in California was buying acai because of its claimed high antioxidant profile. You know what else is really high in anti-oxidants? Blackberries. They aren't shipped from Brazil, and they're 1/4 the price (or free if you pick them from the side of the road).
Another thing to take into consideration is that in order to get any value from the superfoods they must be organic! Pesticides are known to be carcinogenic. If you're eating a food that is sprayed with cancer causing chemicals, it defeats the purpose of eating antioxidants in the first place.I'm not going to spend time going into all the claimed superfoods and their benefits because that would really take me weeks. Not to mention, we all have different dietary needs. While goji berries may be a superfood for one, it would be a super-harmful-food to someone with a nightshade allergy.My stance is that almost all organic non-processed foods (fruits, vegetables, animal products) are superfoods assuming that your body can handle them. We all need different types of food so be diverse with what you eat and listen as your body tells you the foods it needs, and even more so, those foods that it doesn't tolerate.I want to re-state that I am not against "superfoods". But I am very against foods that are marketed as a magic pill. I hate seeing people spend an arm and a leg on a food that will supposedly fix all of their problems. $40 of organic meat, veg & fruit will get you way further than a bottle of yukon syrup ever will! Do you have any superfoods that you swear by?