How soy affects your hormones and why you should avoid it
Soy is often considered a health food and a great meat replacement by those who believe that saturated fat is to blame for modern disease. I used to think this way. In my initial stages of healthy eating I ditched meat, dairy and eggs, replacing them with nuts, seeds, beans, and lots of soy products. Tofu, tempe, soy milk and meat replacements were staples in my diet. Today however, I know better, and avoid soy at any cost. Here are the health reasons that you too should avoid it:Soy is toxicDid you know that 90% of soy from America is genetically modified? That means not only is the DNA of the soybean changed, making it harder to digest, but it is also continually sprayed with Round-up, the toxic pesticide containing Glyphosate, which has recently been acknowledged by the Environmental Protection Agency and World Health Organization as cancer causing. Not exactly the health food you would expect.Most soy products are highly processedMeat alternatives, soy milk & cheese, as well as vegan spreads undergo extensive structural changes. You would assume that soy milk would be soy beans blended with water, but the ingredients also list: carrageenan (linked to serious gastrointestinal issues), cane sugar, synthetic vitamins, natural flavor (which could be anything from MSG to a fake sweetener) and calcium carbonate. These synthetic additives and preservatives not only contribute to poor health, but also encourage vitamin and mineral allergies in the body.Here are the ingredients in Morningstar Chik’n Nuggets!
Soy is a hormone disruptorSoy is very high in phytoestrogens. These are estrogen-like compounds, that mimic the natural hormones in your body. Estrogen levels typically peak the week before ovulation but must stay balanced with progesterone and testosterone. For ovulating women, when estrogen stays elevated through the entire cycle it can cause weight gain, mental instability, horrific PMS symptoms, loss of bone density and muscle mass, etc.Many people are under the impression that estrogen supplements or soy products are beneficial for women during menopause as it keeps estrogen elevated, but unfortunately the opposite is true. While estrogen does decrease slightly during menopause, progesterone is the hormone that significantly drops. Increasing estrogen through artificial hormones or soy consumption creates an even more off balance ratio between the two hormones and encourages uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. It has also been shown to increase risk of breast cancer.Soy is also bad for men as they obviously require significantly less estrogen than women. Consuming soy products can lead to infertility, inflammation, and man boobs (sadly a modern problem).How to avoid soy:Some may think that avoiding soy is as simple as not eating tofu or soy milk, but unfortunately soy is in almost every processed food. Because it’s such a cheap crop, soy oil, lecithin and protein are used to stabilize, or add flavor to certain foods. Of course, avoiding processed foods is best, but if thats not an option, make sure to read the labels and double check the following foods that often contained some form of soy:
- Chips, crisps and crackers
- Protein powders, milks and bars
- Infant formula! -Baby formula’s top two ingredients are typically high fructose corn syrup and soy milk. Giving a child soy especailly during their early growth years is detrimental to their hormonal and metabolic health and should be avoided at all costs.
- Hydrogenated peanut butter
- Chocolate and candy bars
It's been about 6 years since I removed soy from my diet. In that time I have seen significant improvements in the areas of PMS, ovulation and mental stability. If you're dealing with any hormonal problems, definitely give a soy-free diet a try!