The anti-anxiety diet

anxiety12I absolutely hate anxiety. While I have never personally struggled with it (I tend to be overly mellow) it's become a growing concern in our generation and I've seen the ways it has plagued many loved ones. While they know their fears are irrational, they simply cannot convince their body to calm down, and in response lose sleep, appetite and pure excitement of life.When one is engrossed in a cycle of moving from one draining emotion to the next, it’s easy to run straight for the xanex in hopes of overcoming anxiety and living a “normal” life. While I sympathize with those who turn to prescription medication, it should be noted that although muscle relaxers and anti-anxiety medications can help resolve symptoms temporarily, they do not heal the brain. In fact, they quickly exacerbate the problem.If you want to heal your brain and get rid of anxiety for good, it is essential to eat a brain-boosting diet. Amino acids which are the precursors to neurotransmitters are only acquired through food. You can see as many therapists as you want but if your neurotransmitter production is lacking, you can be sure that mental instability symptoms will remain. The following are some of the dietary basics that support a happy, peaceful and balanced mind.Step 1. Avoid the following foods & stimulants:

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Other drugs

Anxiety and other mental health problems usually lead to cravings of the previously mentioned substances. But just like prescription drugs, these substances further deplete neurotransmitters as the body quickly develops a dependance and slows the natural production of feel-good hormones.*Just because a dependance on coffee is socially acceptable, does not mean it's not harmful to your mental stability. Caffeine is a drug and quitting was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.Step 2. Consume a high-protein, high fat dietAmino acids are the building blocks of protein, and like I mentioned earlier are necessary for neurotransmitter production. Needless to say, a vegan diet is not a great idea for supporting mental health. Consume 15-30 grams of clean protein with each meal to ensure the rebuilding of depleted neurotransmitters. Healthy fats, especially saturated are brilliant for brain health as they protect the myelin sheath. The brain is about 40% saturated fat, so incorporating some butter or coconut oil in your diet will be very helpful.Step 3. Avoid the bad fatsVegetable oils and hydrogenated fats are brutal for the body to digest. They are cheap, oxidized oils that are highly inflammatory. Inflammation can be very problematic when trying to supporting mental stability.Step 4. Incorporate magnesiumThis mineral is often missing from the diet of even the healthiest eaters as soil is typically seriously lacking nutrients. Magnesium is what I call natures muscle relaxer. It encourages sleep by supporting GABA (another relaxing neurotransmitter) synthesis.Magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate or magnesium chloride are great options for supplementation. Make sure to take later in the day.Step 5. Amino acid supplementationFor those struggling with anxiety induced insomnia, 5-HTP is a great amino acid to start with. 5-HTP turns to serotonin which is often depleted and further increases the production of melatonin, which encourages sleep. When melatonin is not adequately produced, and sleep is deprived, and you can bet anxiety will worsen.If magnesium and 5-HTP have not helped, it might be worth supplementing with 100- 250 mg of GABA 2- 3x per day. Most of the substances used to relieve anxiety – alcohol, cannabis, tranquilizers – get their effect through boosting GABA in your brain, but of course, slow the natural production. Keep in mind that more does not mean better. Taking too much GABA it can worsen anxiety.For personalized amino acid therapy suggestions talk with a holistic health care professional who specializes in mental health!Have you used amino acid therapy to overcome addictions or support brain health? Amino acids were a life-saver when I decided to cut out all caffeine. 


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